I shouldn’t even go to the gym

I’m in the locker room trying to be careful to minimize my “space” because we all know those “space invaders” — naked on the bench (no towel underneath) or, another favorite, naked or half-naked texting.  Uh, excuse me while I try to get around your still sweating body toward my locker and change.  Skin cancer is a very serious disease and we all should be vigilant about noticing moles, etc.  BUT USING THE MIRROR AT THE GYM?  I race out of the locker room.

Now I am in the gym “proper”.

Ok. ok. ok. ok.  There is a guy who is in his late 60s, has a perma-tan and wears nylon running short-shorts (the one that really captures the perspiration smell) with one of those new-fangled half t-shirts that show off  the midrift (is that a word?).  For his age, he is in great shape.   His clothes are a sartorial tragedy. 

Not that I am much better.  I look like an anemic 40-something lawyer who hasn’t bought new gym clothes in years.  Let’s be clear that I never went for the thong look — I believe in the more covered-up the better.

Spitting is a gross habit

My life partner wants me to write a post about public spitting.  Here is what she emailed to me:

“It’s out of control.  All ages, all races, all demographics and all neighborhoods.  So, what does it mean? Who knows? What’s responsible? Hard to tell. How can it be stopped? An idea –  Public health campaign?  If we could get one tenth of the publicity that swine flu got (and is continuing to get) we could wipe this out in no time.  How about a celebrity campaign piece?  The possibilities are endless…..”

Now, we were not so much alike 10 years ago when our relationship started.  In fact, she would be appalled at some of my posts because “people from good families” don’t write such things.  And look at her now.  That’s my girl!!

More tales from NYC transit

Civilization is rounding the drain. Here is my experience from last week.

The hem of my pants fell so I was forced to staple the hem to the lining of my pants. So I am wearing a custom made jacket and pants but I am really put together by spit, scotch tape and now staples. As goes the economy, there go I.

Ooh, some nice, loud gum cracking and it is only 79th Street.

If only you knew the conversations on this bus. You’d be surprised how many kinds of macaroni and cheese a person can have in her pantry. The kind obviously matters. Apparently, one could be in the mood for let’s say Swanson’s but not Chef Boyardee. The third option was to go to the store, not for something entirely different but for a different kind of mac’n’cheese. I didn’t hear the outcome of this woman’s conversation with “Johnny” but I’ll try to remember to watch local news to find out what happened.

A young man on the bus is presenting paranoid obsessive behavior. No ability to modulate his voice. Stops in mid-sentence. Keeps talking about all of the records he is keeping about his boss’s refusal to acknowledge overtime and saying that his boss would rather kill him than pay him for five hours of overtime work. He is well-kempt and his keeps mentioning that his mom wants him to come home and live with her, so he is not alone (and he also has his not-so-sane friend who is listening to him). It is too sad for words.
Even I can’t make snide remarks. There but for the grace of G-d go I.

There is a (former) banker-type committing the inexcusable crime of cell-yell which crime is only further aggravated by the subject matter: his brother’s court date (and I don’t mean for a squash game).

There is what appears at first impression to be a couple (because they are conversing and have near identical shades of tan). But as I am rocked to and fro by the potholes, I hear the following snippet: “where did you get YOUR tan” asked he. “Central Park and a salon near me” said she. “Ahhhh” said he as our erstwhile Romeo moved slightly away to avoid further conversation.

The bus clears out somewhat at 86th Street and reveals a man with the most abominable toupe that hangs down to the tip of his oversized sun glasses. Imagine Peter Sellers (of the Pink Panther movies) in a schtick about the hapless undercover spy or a character in those early 1970s movies about the swinging singles apartment buildings.

Two men get on the bus through the back door at 96th Street. One fits the stereotype of a fare cheat; the other seems solidly middle class. If I were truly my mother’s daughter, I would sit next to each of them in turn and explain the importance of paying one’s fare.

I then came to a frightening conclusion — the mildewy smell that is mixed with pungent body odor (which has had time to ferment no doubt) is in the fabric of my seat and back rest, does NOT belong to the ever so grim man next to me. Just like the Seinfeld episode, the smell will follow me even after I disrobe. I may have to have my body dry-cleaned. It is almost sport to see how many times you can travel on a bus before you get tagged with someone else’s gross body odor. The thrill of the challenge and the agony of defeat.
Time to get off the bus.

sidewalk dining

After I derided al fresco sidewalk dining, I decided that I needed to try it because I am turning over a new leaf and not being AS judgmental (though, never fear, still judgmental, as no one would recognize me otherwise). My analysis in a word: dreadful. People standing around, some smoking and others simply standing around. Then comes the traffic. What is fascinating is that a truck doesn’t need the metal plate covering a street hole to make that insanely annoying “clank” sound. As in every one of life’s experiences, I have learned something new (whether or not useful is not the issues) about the nuances of street noise. But I lost my appetite. Grilled sardines and octopus, anyone?

wondering on a Tuesday in NY

I don’t get the pedestrian mall at Times Square or the tables and chairs on the dividers in the street. Carbon monoxide with your health salad? For that matter, what’s with side walk cafes in NY? This is not some piazza in some beautiful city in Italy where the pollution is so romantic and delicious because it is Italian. Actually most of the pollution and carcinogens come from products partially made in China, so imagine that charming street scene in Beijing. Enjoy your lunch!

Speaking of the gym

My last post made me think of the guy whose shorts were dripping with sweat all over the floor and still he wears nylon that reeks rather than absorbing cotton. Let that image sit for a second. Imagine being on the bike next to him. Either a rain poncho or a haz mat suit. Just a thought.

Gym etiquette

There is a man who wears the same thing every time I see him and it is not just because of our work-out routines. He is also a grunter and doesn’t wipe down machines. I like to think that he thinks air-drying is better for the environment. There is a girl chatting with him now. Do I tell her that he is always wearing the same clothes and sneakers with no socks? (I forgot to mention that lovely piece of info.) Ewww. Ewwwww. Ewwww. I ponder and I walk away.

The subway — Intimate Things Through a Megaphone

There is a woman in my subway car reading a book called “Donor Recruitment: Tips and Techniques”. My first reaction was “sperm donor” — how to corner a guy and get him to give you a cupful.

But I guess it could be anything and she could even be working for the Red Cross or something. But still you can’t make this up. Some people live their lives in full view of an accidental audience.

New life forms on the bus

A gross homeless man is on the bus. Did he pay more? I ask because adult lice should be required to pay something. Fascinating that the smell of the homeless man is so different from taxicab stench. There is perspiration smell and then there is raw sewage smell. As a NYer, no matter how bad it gets I’m not getting off to wait another fifteen minutes for another bus. I would take a cab but I try to limit myself to one unreimbursable cab ride per day (this morning, one appeared right before my eyes and it was a cultural imperative to hop in). I’m feeling a little faint. I wonder if I got into a gross cab, would the smells cancel each other out or would the synergies create an explosive effect. So I decided to sit down. Of course next to the older woman with a urine smell “issue”. I’ll brave it out because my mom z”l wore Depends at the end of her life.  Some woman sat down near the gross homeless man and started looking around for the source of the smell. Helloooooooooo. A few minutes have passed now and she has changed her seat. She and her seat are forever changed. Now a new aroma: sauteed-onion-in-a-plastic-bag smell. A lunch not eaten. A bacterial warfare agent created. A new life and all its complexities. A beautiful moment.  Some of that could be haiku.