Does G-d hear twitter?

Apparently Jews can tweet G-d now.  I would love to hear from someone who got a tweet back.


Thought for Today, July 23, 2009: Unpatriotic Fox News

For eight long years, I was one of those “unpatriotic” Americans because I loved this country and disagreed with the Bush administration and its policies.  But I still watched the president’s press conferences and respected the presidency while I had trouble with the man in that office (don’t get me started on Cheney).

Fox News thinks it is ok not to show a presidential press conference because it is opposed to President Obama’s politics.  In the prior administration, the talking heads would be challenging the patriotism of any news outlet that didn’t carry a press conference.  Are those at Fox News selectively patriotic, as in only when a conservative is president?

I loved this country and respected the government even when I personally hated the policies.  What is Fox News’s excuse?

Thoughts for July 21, 2009 (even though it is only July 20, 2009)

There are reports that arrested protesters of the Iranian election result are being raped in prison.  A RELIGIOUS republic is resorting to these tactics .  .  .  in the name of Allah???  How does that work?  It is an abomination for religious leaders to use such tactics in the name of G-d but really to further their very human need to maintain power.

May Allah protect those with the courage of their convictions who are made to suffer at the hands of these tormentors.  May everyone’s G-d protect them.

Thoughts for today, July 17, 2009

Lindsay Graham said at the start of the Sotomayor hearing that unless she had a meltdown, she was getting confirmed.  And, further, he didn’t think she was going to have a meltdown.  So why did we have to waste all that time?  Just to allow us to showcase to the world the endemic and virulent prejudice that pulses below the surface of our society, and worse, at the highest levels of government? 

Gee, Senator Graham, thanks for the reminder.

Thought for Bastille Day, July 14, 2009

In France, the Revolution didn’t lead to better government, just different government and different despots. Same is true for the Russian Revolution. The American Revolution still maintained slavery. And the Islamic Revolution enforced laws of repression and discrimination. I am sure that there are instances when the oppressed once freed did not mimic their oppressors. But, since I am not a student of history, I can’t think of one off-hand. Those overthrown deserved their fate, but the populaces affected deserved better post-revolutionary leaders and governments.

A Politician who told the truth by accident

I love Barney Frank. Not because I agree with everything he says and does. In fact, I often disagree with him. But you have to hand it to him when he appears on The Daily Show and says that the slogan for the Democrats in 2010 should be that the economy would have sucked worse without the recovery plan. Not a lot of spin there. Thank G-d for small favors.