Did Glenn Beck really say it is all about reparations?

We all knew that Glenn Beck is a fear-mongerer who has called Obama a racist. Now he says the whole basis for the health care reform is Obama’s desire to pay reparations for slavery.

Ok, there are so many things going on in that STUPID thought that we have to dissect it:

  1. Glenn Beck thinks only African-Americans will benefit from health care reform.
  2. Glenn Beck thinks health care reform that doesn’t benefit only Caucasians is not really reform.
  3. Glenn Beck thinks only true Americans are Caucasian (psst, Glenn, “whites” are not NATIVE Americans (remembered, our nation massacred them), and your family has probably been here only three or four generations).
  4. Glenn Beck thinks President Obama’s only attribute relevant to this debate is that he identifies as an African-American. 
  5. Glenn Beck thinks President Obama by virtue of this single attribute cannot govern for the betterment of the entire country.


Glenn Beck, you are a sad, twisted guy.  I bet Bill O’Reilly is scared you have your eye on his time slot on Fox News. Which makes you even more evil — you are doing this for money and power and not because you believe it. 

But there is a place for everyone.  For you, Glenn, that place is 1930s Germany.