I was unfriended

The danger of Facebook is that someone can unfriend you.  Or defriend you, I am not sure.

I was hurt.  I was confused. No explanation.  Just  — one day — IFOB (Italian friend of blogger) was not among my friends.  And this, after POB (partner of blogger) showed up to make sure that I was not swooning over his elegance and grace in a moment of heterosexual weakness.  Indeed, IFOB is handsome, charming and so very intelligent and well-read.  But I don’t have moments of heterosexual weakness; I am for my beloved POB and she is for me.  IFOB is a good catch for those of you straight women out there who are single.  (Just FYI.)

Being the straightforward person that I am, I emailed IFOB and asked, “Did you unfriend me?”  He did.  He was angry that I was ambivalent about the equality in marriage legislation.  I should be happy.  In truth, you have to stand in my shoes to understand. When you are discriminated against, it is hard to be thankful when people realize that they ought to stop discriminating.

Of course, I am happy.  And, I am grateful to those who championed the cause.  Mostly, I am happy because I have POB and, with TLP (the little prince), we are a family.  And, love and family cannot be legislated.

POB and I were planning a ceremony before the legislation seemed possible.  Now, it will be a marriage.

IFOB: next time, talk to me if you have an issue with something.  After all, we seem to navigate being political opposites.  Besides, if you are not my friend (forget FB, just generally), you can’t come to the wedding (in 2012).