Another transportation adventure

So, I was in a cab on the way to the airport to come home and the driver was making conversation. He was born in Russia, raised in Argentina and Rochester, NY and now in San Diego. Think war crimes by parents. He got on the subject of drinking a “glass of tea” and I mentioned that my grandparents used that phrase. He asked if I were Jewish. I responded yes and asked him if he were, also. He is not. But my being Jewish got him on the subject of the Holocaust. And how horrible it was and how humans are the only animals capable of torture. Think psycho. Then he said that he taped a 3-part series on the Holocaust and that he has hundreds of hours of tapes of shows on various atrocities throughout the ages. He gave an impassioned dissertation on the need for universal human rights and understanding among all religions. Think psycho in a kumbaya moment. He also happens to be an expert on “your tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and so on.” Think scary individual from hell in a kumbaya moment.We he let me off at the airline terminal safely, I gave him an extra tip for not being a total psycho.