It’s a small world after all

I was emailing my friends that someone at my new job uses the “air quotes” so continuously it reminds me of the hand motions for the camp song, “Little Rabbit Froo Froo” [hoppin’ thru the forest . . .].  In fact, I giggle every time I see her.

I learned that the little rabbit was also known as the little bunny and was also known as “Foo Foo” and “Frou Frou”, although I know my version is right.  Even if Wikipedia says otherwise, Then, a friend from Canada thought the field mice were wiggly worms.  Ok, that is just WRONG.

One of my friends posted the debate on Facebook and, within ten minutes, she got ten responses with alternate theories of the song and the animals in it.

People are fierce on this subject.  It took a Facebook responder to remind us that the moral of the story is:  “hare today, goon tomorrow.”