Too much politics; too much rage — I am going gentler

A dear friend says she can’t read my blog because — I am paraphrasing and embellishing now — if she thought about all of the world’s ills about which I rant, her head would explode.  I get that.  If I don’t write about them, my head will explode. Or maybe not.

I had a good run of happy thoughts on my blogcation.  So, taking my friend’s point of view to heart and realizing that as I get older I will become more of the same, I am going to try to ease up on the ranting.   I had this scary image of me in 25 years, in a housecoat (like my grandmother wore) and high tops (my grandmother never wore these) screaming about things on street corners.

So, no more world, national, market or local news for me today.  My stomach is already tied in knots about some Republican joking about Obama-tagging (as in tagging wolves that are hunted).  I am not starting.  Nope.  Nope.

I took the day off from work because we have no morning sitter coverage for our son.  He is having a bike lesson now.  [I learned that if your child is not a natural at something, a parent is the last teacher on earth your child wants.]  Then we will hang out, have lunch.  A sitter will come around 1pm and I will set off to do errands, like getting new door knobs.  Our door knobs are the original 1920’s door knobs and they are falling apart.  So, instead of having a metal hanger in every room in case the know falls off, I will go and find some new ones.

I can upload new music on our family iPod. I can upload pictures from vacation, etc.  I can’t visit my cousin who is recovering from an operation because I have some kind of head cold and I don’t want to infect him.

I wish I were busy at work.  But if I go in and have nothing going on, I will get depressed and tired.  I am available by blackberry and can hop into any kinkos anywhere, so I can handle most things and, if I need to, I can pop into the office.

Let’s see if this more Zen version of me can work.