Guest blogger — action on a subway

This from my beloved partner of ten years:

I thought I would contribute this blog-worthy moment to your morning. So I am sitting on a crowded #1 train and a tall guy – maybe late twenties – sits down next to me.  He’s nicely dressed – expensive shirt, good watch etc.  I thought he might be foreign ’cause of the haircut. He proceeds to whip out his keychain and starts to clip his fingernails. I leaned over and said to him in a perfectly reasonable voice – “I’m afraid you can’t do that here – it’s unacceptable. You need to use a bathroom or do it over a garbage can.  This is a public place.”  The whole time – I was perfectly calm and matter of fact.  He stopped. He got out a few stops later.  One small victory for civility on NYC  subways!

I love her.