The Marathon That Wasn’t But the Family Got Together Anyway (and had more fun)

Cousin Runner was planning on running the NYC Marathon, to raise money for the memorial fund she founded in memory of her father, my cousin, who died too young.  Her father embodied the our family motto of “no boundaries” tempered by endless love and concern.

Cousin Runner’s mother flew in from San Francisco for the event.  Cousin Runner’s brothers came in, as well, from albeit lesser distances.

Unfortunately, Cousin Runner pulled something and could barely walk.  So, she joined the 15,000 person injured list and had to sit out this marathon.

The rest of the family was happy.  We could avoid having to wade through the sea of humanity in order to glimpse her bib number.  Does anyone remember the legend?   Promptly after the man ran to Marathon to tell his people of the advancing army, he collapsed and died.

Since Cousin Runner’s mother was my cousin before she was Cousin Runner’s mother, she gets an acronym distinct from Cousin Runner — JFCOB (Judy first cousin of blogger).

FCJOB is staying with us, and arrived Friday night and POB (partner of blogger), FCJOB and I had a long dinner catching up.  As we were kissing each other good night, FCJOB remarked, “Wow, how did we polish off a bottle of wine?”  I shocked her when I told her that we EACH had a bottle of wine.  I was immediately dreading my training session at the gym on Saturday morning.

We all gathered for Saturday night dinner.  DOB (Dad of blogger) arrived 2 hours early as usual.  SOB (sister of blogger) trailed in, ahead of HOSOB (husband of SOB) who was sporting a purple 1980s thin tie.  I had to come to HOSOB’s sartorial rescue and offer him a glass of wine in exchange for handing over the tie.  (“Just give me the tie, and no one gets hurt.  Drop the tie.  For the last time, drop it“.)  All was Eden once again.

Cousin Gentle came.  Cousin Runner (with boyfriend) and one of Cousin Runner’s brothers (ASCOB — Alex second cousin of Blogger) rounded out the table. Or so we thought.

But then, a surprise visit from another young cousin who is in dental school in New Jersey!!  (I thought I had scared him off last year when I blogged about the partying rampage that left him just beginning a hangover at 6pm.) Strong work, Cousin Dentist, Jr.!!!!  So glad you came.

SOB was setting us up for a group photo shot with the auto-shoot option.  We stood still, absolutely still, multiple times as she checked and re-checked it.  Luckily, ASCOB offered to help and discovered that every time SOB set the picture, she then hit the “off” button.  Really, SOB??  The button has OFF written right above it.