Crazy is as crazy does

Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome.  Every time I watch a reality TV show, I last through the first 3 minutes.  My tastes are not mainstream (but they are not crazy weird either).  Every time I pick a check-out line, it is the line on which a person doesn’t have a credit/debit card and wants change of $100 bill for a 89 cent purchase.  So, what was I thinking when I was looking on Amazon for DVDs to purchase?  I was looking for indie films — not ones that made the big screen because I am trying to support living artists.  I went by customer reviews.  Based on the reviews, one would think the ones I bought were cinematic experiences of a lifetime.  My partner and I settled in to watch one of the movies and we were sucked in, not by the plot line but, by the low quality of the writing, the acting and the cinematography.  It was a cinematic car crash  — we couldn’t look but we couldn’t look away.

Ok, I learned my lesson this time.  But next time . . . .