Kids are amazing

I come home and TLP (our son, the little prince) cries out:

E-mom, E-mom, look at my awesome new summer stripey pajamas!!  Don’t I look handsome?

[Note to self:  I might think he is the son of G-d, like any good Jewish mother, but I need to pretend that he isn’t.]

He looks adorable, but the pajamas made me think of Steve McQueen in the movie, “Papillon”.

I said, “you look like a prisoner on Devil’s Island!!!

And TLP responded, “that’s what I said to Mommy [POB (partner of blogger)]!!!!

How do you know about Devil’s Island?

It was in something I read about penal colonies in Africa.

There is such a book and you read it?

Well, a lot of famous and important people like Nelson Mandela were imprisoned in penal colonies.

That was Robben Island.

It was just an example.  I could look it up for you.” I was amazed by his knowledge, even though he seemed to know an ooky amount about penal colonies.

Thanks, buddy, I’m good.

Ok, wanna play?

After we played some, I looked up Papillon, the movie, and after seeing a clip — the Internet can be awesome — it turns out that Steve McQueen wasn’t wearing a striped prison outfit after all.

So where did we both get that image of prisoners in striped pajama-like clothes in penal colonies.  (Must be another Hollywood flick, because I don’t think TLP has seen Holocaust footage.)

Anyway, as you can see, in order to hold my own with my not-even 9 year-old, I am going to need some serious intellectual reinforcements.  Paging Dr. Einstein?