GOP is a party of hypocrites

Mitch McConnell is going crazy over the cost of health care, but he didn’t mind the reckless spending by the Bush administration. It was solid accounting not to include the gazillions of dollars for the Iraq war in the budget, but health care reform is too expensive. It is appalling how Republicans destroyed our surpluses; yet, it is galling that they won’t take responsibility for that and are instead pointing the finger at Obama who is trying to FIX THE MESS.

Back to health care. So far, I can afford top of the line health care, so this isn’t about my particular situation. But it is critical that we fix the problem.

Why? Because this is America, damn it, and it is a DISGRACE that, in such a rich and wonderful country, millions are not insured, health care is inadequate when available and illness will backrupt a family. The Bush administration gave over $700 billion to the banks without asking where it was going. But no GOP member wants to put at least that much into the health of the taxpayers? Let me remind you, members of the GOP, that the $700 billion was earned on the backs of those very taxpayers.

Failure is not an option. So, instead of criticizing the president’s plan, come up with a solution that works and not just some pander to big business.