Bucolic Amidst the Grit

For those of you who remember New York City in the 1970s, it is hard to believe that these are pictures of along the Hudson River between 103rd and 123rd Streets in Manhattan. 

Ok, the guy in the hammock is a little over the top.  So, much so that the kayakers stopped to take a picture of him.  I was in the middle of my run and couldn’t get out my blackberry in time to take a picture of the kayakers taking a picture of the guy reading in a hammock.

It seems a little like an exurban paradise, if you don’t think about the Riverside Stabber — the insane man who has been stabbing people in the Park recently.

I felt very guilty about running in the Park with a psychopath on the loose because I have a child to raise (with the least amount of trauma) and protect (with the most amount of neurosis).  Then, my son comes home after a day in the country with his cousin, and I learn that he was walking on railroad tracks!!!  My cousin quickly assured me there was no electric third rail like there are in subways.  With family like this, the psychopath in the Park is the least of my worries.