More stress dreams

Last night, I dreamed I forgot to graduate from law school.  But I forgot to dream about computer malfunctions so, sure enough, computer malfunctions abound in the office today.  Because everything is mechanized, even the fax machine goes straight to a scanner which doesn’t function in a system malfunction.  I think all legal documents should have as an excuse for performance — along with acts of G-d, civil unrest, widespread labor strikes — a computer malfunction that renders lawyers useless (ok, more useless).

Thank G-d we have a second fax line that spits out faxes using paper (of all things), like the old days.  I have had to dictate letters to secretaries in other offices. 

I am thinking about a whole new PBS kids show: “Dinosaur Lawyer”.  Lawyering before computers and other amenities made us soft.  Back to the days of hand-to-hand/pen-to-pen combat.  Where if you wanted to be snarky, you had to say it to the person as opposed emailing the snarky comment from the safety of your computerized bunker.

In a separate stress reality, the news has been reporting all day that the Senate Finance Committee’s vote is imminent.  VOTE ALREADY.  You’re stressing me out.