I am worried about our nation’s appetite for change

Franklin Roosevelt was vilified by the right for his policies.  Many didn’t work; some were even declared unconstitutional.  But what made him an effective president and leader is that he kept trying and tinkering with programs and policies until they had the intended effect.  You cannot be right always and certainly not in the first instance when you are in crisis management mode.  So, the trick is to retool, regroup and get the job done. 

What sounds good in Congress might not work in the real world.  So, we can’t be solely ideological; we need to be pragmatic.  Our systems are so large that a fix for one aspect of a problem has an unintended adverse consequence on another aspect of the same problem.

Let’s have a national dialogue on what can achieve together and not how the Democrats or the Republicans have failed.  The future of our prosperity depends on this.