In hearings about Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate scandal, Sam Ervin famously asked in an exasperated and a time-to-tell-the-damn-truth tone:
“What did the President know and when did he know it?”
Today, we have a (way) lower bar. So low you might not know you are stepping over it.
So we ask:
“How could AGENT ORANGE not know that being POTUS would be hard?”
Trump startled the world by his statement that he didn’t think the presidency would be as hard as his previously cushy life. The one in which he inherited wealth and if he had put it in mutual funds, he would be 10 or more times as wealthy as he is. Which means he sucks as a businessman. Be leave that for another blog.
I want to focus on his not thinking that the presidency of the United States would be so hard.
Stupidity in this instance is a high crime and misdemeanor. In other words, an impeachable offense.
The buck, as Harry Truman famously said, stops at the desk in the Oval Office.
What a president says can move markets, and worse, nuclear warheads.
What a president does can affect industry, employment, climate and international relations.
What a president decides can put our brave military men and women in harm’s way, and can kill innocent civilians.
What a president orders can separate families, divest hard working people of their medical insurance, and wipe out preschool for working parents.
With enormous power, privilege and wealth come profound responsibilities to the citizens of this country, those who live within its borders and the world at large.
Or he can enrich his cronies. Which his tax plan does.
For a president elected by accident, some humility is in order. And he should stop enriching his businesses by making the government pay for Secret Service to accompany him to his properties. And he should stop talking about chocolate cake while he bombed an empty air force base in Syria which he thought was Iraq.
And he ought to play less golf. Because he can’t bluff his way through complicated trade treaties and military alliances.
You deserve to be deported as enemies of the State. I will take an undocumented person working in the fields or a restaurant kitchen over you. You don’t deserve the citizenship that is your birthright. You forfeited that right when you elected Agent Orange.
And for those of you whose family comes from Eastern Europe, I hope you are choking on the Russian scandal.
God bless the United States of America and all of its inhabitants. May we survive this presidency.